TechLane s.r.l., with registered office in via Felicita Morandi n. 9, postcode 20127, in Milan (MI), tax code and VAT number 09974200967, in the person of the administrator Mr. Sergio Piatti, as Data Controller, informs the candidate (called Data Subject) that the requested data, treated lawfully and fairly, are necessary to assess the suitability to carry out the task required and for the future establishment of the employment relationship between the parties.

The information on data processing, in accordance with the provisions of article 111 bis of legislative decree 196/2003 (also known as the privacy code), is delivered at the time of the first useful contact following the sending of the curriculum, usually consisting of the interview.

The data requested to the Data Subject during the interview are stored at the headquarters or in digital archives and, if collected directly by the company and not otherwise available, are not disclosed. Their conferment is necessary to allow the evaluation of the candidate and for the subsequent establishment of the relationship. For this reason it is not necessary that any consent be given, as also confirmed by the same article 111 bis of the privacy code.

As a rule, the company does not carry out the processing of particular categories of data referred to in Article 9 of the European regulation 2016/679, unless it is provided for on the basis of specific regulations (such as those issued during the epidemiological emergency period), and does not make decisions based on automated processes.

There are no other subjects who may become aware of this data, which, if transferred to third countries with respect to the European Union, are treated in such a way that their protection is guaranteed, by virtue of appropriate adequacy clauses.

The Data Controller declares to have adopted adequate measures at the level of risk identified and to carry out all treatments in accordance with the requirements of the European regulation.

The Data Subject, in relation to his data and the treatments performed, may request to exercise, if this is not in contrast with the legislative requirements, these rights:

  • Access to data (art. 15);
  • Rectification or updating of data and their cancellation (art. 16 and 17);
  • Limitation of processing (art. 18);
  • Data portability (art. 20);
  • Opposition to processing (art. 21);
  • Opposition to automated decision-making (art. 22).

Even if the hypothesis does not occur, the Data Subject is informed that, if it constitutes the legal basis of the processing, can always revoke the consent (art. 7, § 3).

Finally, the Data Subject can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (art. 77), using the form available on the website

To exercise these rights, the Data Subject can contact the Data Controller directly.

All the data of the Data Subject will be deleted (or pseudonymised) when the suitable person has been identified to fill the role sought.